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And Resources

Blue Water

Our services are livestreamed at 10am every Sunday.
Click the button below to watch all previous sermons...

Biblical Meditation

There are many ways we can grow in our relationship with God – one of these is Biblical Meditation. Biblical Meditation is about coming to the feast of God’s word, not in a hurry, not with our minds to analyse, but sitting with the Holy Spirit who will share with us as we read and eat. It’s purpose is that we might know Him and His word might transform us. It is completely different from other forms of meditation where the mind is emptied. In biblical meditation the mind is bathed with the word of God. We have produced a series of short, guided meditations beginning with a short introduction. This will introduce you to the how of meditating on the Bible and help you build a regular rhythm.

Prayer Partnership

Prayer Partnership allows us to have others we regularly met up with
to share and pray together, as a way to support one another.
If you would like help finding a prayer partner please talk to Meryl McKean or Margaret Crawley.


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Finding or Becoming a Mentor:
A Mentor is someone who can be seen as... "Someone who walks with another as a friend, helping to provide perspective, challenge them to think, providing accountability for their chosen goals, praying with and for them". 

We should all have mentors as well as being a mentor to others. It comes out of our relationship and desire to follow Jesus' command of making disciples. We might benefit from having a mentor for a short time to deal with a specific issue, or for a longer period.

If you are interested in being a mentor or having one then please contact Meryl or Libby on


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